You’ve seen the Selfie XV, well now here is The Selfie 7!!!

It was another long night in the selection meeting, but here is the final squad…


fiji skip12. Osea Kolinisau (Fiji)





11. Scott Hastings (Scotland & British & Irish Lions)hastings




gollings10. Ben Gollings (England & HK 7s Dream Team)










amor9. Simon Amor (England)





nicol8. Andy Nicol (Scotland)






leone (2)7. Leone Nakarawa (Fiji)









reihana6. Bruce Reihana (New Zealand)








honey badger5. Nick Cummins (Australia)











wighty4. Scott Wight (Scotland)










doddie and armstrong (3)3. Doddie Weir (Scotland)








stimmo2. Tim Stimpson (England & British Lions)






toony and horgan (2)1. Shane Horgan

(Ireland & British & Irish Lions)















And the Coaches


Gordon Tietjens (New Zealand)

geezer (2)Mike Friday (England, Kenya & USA)















Do you have a Rugby Selfie? Share it with us on Twitter, @happyeggshaped

Happiness is Egg Shaped