Happiness is Egg Shaped are delighted to be linked to the Falkirk RFC websiteFalkirk RFC website and also be included on the playing shorts for the new season. Happiness is Egg Shaped is literally right behind them!!!

This is a great opportunity for Happiness is Egg Shaped to be involved at the grassroots of the game. There is a lot more to come from this partnership with Happiness is Egg Shaped lined up to support with some big events planned for the coming season at Falkirk.

Falkirk RFC are a club very aware of their place in the community and getting children and families involved in a positive environment. The spirit and ethos of this great game is alive and kicking down at Sunnyside!!!

And now we get to say…. ‘LOOK AT THAT ASS!!!’

falkirk shortsHappiness is Egg Shaped are extremely happy to be featuring on the Falkirk playing shorts for the new season on their MIZUNO kit, just released today.

Look out for further developments!!!

Exciting times ahead.


Happiness is Egg Shaped